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Interior Design & Decorating • Faux Finishing & Painting • Restoration

Toronto & GTA

Hannivan & Company has been involved in the business of interior design, interior decorating & painting & historical restoration for the past 40 years. We are based in Toronto but we have been commissioned to do projects all across Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

Our historic restoration projects have won international awards from both the United States and Scotland and we have been given awards of merit for four of our Canadian Projects as well.

All of our historic and decorative painting and finishes are done by hand using traditional materials and techniques, to produce finishes that are meant to last.  Our decorative finishes, painting and artwork, are customized to satisfy each individual client and project. Some of the many services we offer include gilding (gold leafing), stenciled art, murals, traditional painting and glazing (faux finishes).

Some of the architectural spaces we have included in our gallery are large historical buildings, while others are the more intimate spaces of private homes.

We hope you enjoy viewing some of these unique places, and that perhaps they may inspire you with ideas for your own projects.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or comments regarding our company, the services we provide, or ideas of your own you would like to see come to light, then feel free to contact us.

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